Services – a topic that has considerably developed duringthroughout past millenniums
It is something our times would be known from and maybe, especially due to an rising impact of machines in our lives, the number of people working physically would be constantly reduced as the time would pass.
On the other side, it is with no doubt impossible for the people to have everything made by the machines. It is implied by the fact that somebody has to make the machines, check them whether they have faults or not as well as control them.
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What is more, regards services we ought to also keep in mind that its rising role also is referred to the fact that the globalization has made a significant influence concerning improvements on the global labor market. It is indicated by the fact that more and more physical work is made in countries, where the labor market is the biggest such as China or India. Regards Europe, we may see that growing number of people are responsible for intellectual work, as in general the European workforce is substantially more effectively qualified for such a job.